The Wallach Revolution
The Citizens Committee for Better Medicine is proud to present “The Wallach Revolution – (An Unauthorized Biography of a Medical Genius)”. The book is now available and chronicles the challenges, successes, and unique perspective of Dr. Joel D Wallach, a true pioneer in the field of science-based, clinically verified medical nutrition. (No portion of the content on this site may be exhibited, used or reproduced by any means without express written permission of the publisher.) Click HERE to get your copy of this brand new book!Chapter 8 Page 9
The Conventional Medical Paradigm
In fact, since 1962, despite FDA approval of thousands of new drugs as “breakthroughs,” there has been virtually no change in the life expectancy of those suffering from chronic disease. Without question, the discovery of sulfa drugs and of antibiotics proved a boon to the world, saving and extending countless lives, but since then the reality of the pharmaceutical model has fallen far short of the health utopia predicted for it. Despite hundreds of billions of dollars, public and private, invested in pharmaceutical industry discovery, research, and development, not a single major affliction (e.g., cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, liver disease, kidney disease, or auto-immune disease) has been eliminated from the face of the earth.
Awash in thousands of new drugs since World War II, we now have a society of drug dependency but the promised eradication of illness has not happened. Indeed, in the United States, where more money is spent on drugs and healthcare than in any other country in the world, American life expectancy lags behind much of the industrialized world.
We have thus gone full circle. The drug model has failed to prove to be a panacea. Indeed, the adverse effects of drugs often overwhelm their utility and add major afflictions to the hapless person dependent on them. If we are not to see an end to disease from a treatment model that depends on intervention at the time we become ill, where then are we to turn?
Having rejected natural remedies as anathema to the new drug model paradigm, the world is now turning back to them. A majority of Americans, for example, depend on daily supplementation on the obvious assumption that they are helping fend off disease and extend longevity by doing so. Increasingly integrative medicine is replacing conventional medicine, as physicians leap from bureaucratic practice back to accepting that medicine is an art and that the means to heal are within us if only supplied with what the body needs to activate them.
Long before it was popular to attack the FDA for its approval of unsafe drugs and its unseemly relationship with the drug industry, Dr. Wallach was attacking it. Viewed by some as an alarmist and condemned vituperatively by practicing physicians and patsies for the drug industry, Wallach would not budge from revealing the ugly truth that Americans were being had by an industry and a profession that was pumping out drugs that were too dangerous. He explained that synthetic alternatives to cures known to the body were an awful substitute, particularly when they came with horrific side effects. Wallach is now best understood as ahead of his time, having warned us that we were all victims of the drug model and having given us safer means to prevent and treat disease than relying dogmatically on every new drug that comes down the pike from what he has called the “medical-pharmaceutical complex.”