The Wallach Revolution
The Citizens Committee for Better Medicine is proud to present “The Wallach Revolution – (An Unauthorized Biography of a Medical Genius)”. The book is now available and chronicles the challenges, successes, and unique perspective of Dr. Joel D Wallach, a true pioneer in the field of science-based, clinically verified medical nutrition. (No portion of the content on this site may be exhibited, used or reproduced by any means without express written permission of the publisher.) Click HERE to get your copy of this brand new book!Chapter 1 Page 2
No Obstacle Too Great
While others can be derailed from achieving their ambitions because they have come to believe their dreams beyond their abilities, Joel D Wallach simply does not accept the idea that anything is beyond his reach; instead, he learns precisely what is required to reach his goals, carefully but expeditiously evaluates all options that can achieve the objectives, and then pursues zealously avenues well calculated to bring about the objectives. That strategy he learned as a boy, has applied throughout his life, and has triumphed repeatedly because of it. His dogged pursuit of success has taken him from the humblest station in life (a farm boy who was not well to do) to the status of an accomplished scientist, innovator, and entrepreneur. Although now 75 years of age it is as if Wallach’s journey has just begun.
While others often accept accomplishments as a reason for rest and reflection, it is not in Joel Wallach’s DNA to be idle. He is on a lifelong mission, and he is restless. He travels and lectures, researches, writes, and communicates on radio multiple times a day over 300 days a year. Once he has achieved an objective, he simply sets a new, more ambitious one and then applies the same kind of zealous, dedicated, and tireless effort to achieve that new objective that he used in every prior instance. In this way, he has transformed academic success into commercial success and personal commercial success into the creation of a global health and financial empire that elevates the physical and economic conditions of millions worldwide.
Since his formative years, Joel D Wallach has been on a mission to find a way to improve the lot of all animals, including man. In particular, he wants to enable people from all walks of life to live better longer, indeed to maximize their life spans and quality of life. He is directed like a laser beam to achieve that goal. Few people possess the powers of concentration, the dedication to achievement, and the indefatigable will of this man. He is like a pit bull affixed to a precious bone. He will not relent, he will not give in, and he will not be dissuaded from achieving his objectives. There is simply no earthly force capable of stopping him so long as he remains alive.